New website; Happy Mardi Gras!

Welcome To The ‘New’ Shoulblog!

After 11 years under the umbrella, today marks a new beginning for Shoulblog, now at its own, self-hosted site, Along with the new address, the blog has a completely different design; the home page features a slider across the top for featured posts, and a grid pattern below offering post excerpts with...

Shoulblog Turns Two!

It’s Shoulblog’s birthday! Two years ago today (OK, not exactly two years, but it was two Fat Tuesdays ago), this thing launched. This was the first post; you can judge for yourself if I’ve made any progress in that time. With the anniversary, the blog has a new look. I adopted a new WordPress...

A Birthday Party

I can hear you asking: John, how is it that you, who are so attuned to dates and anniversaries (more examples here and here and here ), how did you let your blog’s first birthday slip by uncelebrated? Excellent question, and thanks for asking. Actually, although I pledge allegiance to the Gregorian calendar —...


This is the first post in my new blog. I’m hoping that a year from now, I’ll look back here and be profoundly embarrassed at how little I knew about blogs and blogging when I started. To be honest, it’s a little intimidating right now. Believe me, I know I have a lot to...