Walking With The Old Girls

This is our routine. I get their leashes on and nudge Molly toward the front door. She slowly, awkwardly, haltingly walks to the door and goes out. Daisy is always several steps ahead of her ......

Pictures Of 2011

Last year was something of an off year for me, photography-wise. I took a lot of pictures, but nowhere near as many as I’ve taken in some previous years. And a big bunch of photos, some of my favorites, were lost to a computer crash. But life goes on, and here are some of...

Pictures Of 2010

Here, in chronological order, are a few of my favorite images from my camera in 2010. You might have seen a couple of them in Shoulblog or Facebook,, but most are published here for the first time. As always, click on the thumbnails for a larger view. We had a snowstorm early in January,...