Back From The Decaf World

Well, I made it. 46 days of Lent, without caffeine, and I survived. I woke up early this morning and brewed a pot of coffee—REAL coffee, not the “decaf” stuff I’ve been drinking for the last six and a half weeks—and set about to enjoy my day. And it’s a beautiful day. Life...

Day 3

I’ve pretty much made it through Day 3 without caffeine, and I feel like I may have turned a corner. Day 1 was just as bad as I expected: listlessness, inability to concentrate, and a gnawing headache that persisted all day. I was actually planning to post an update here, but I just didn’t...

So Long, Caffeine

As someone who has never been particularly religious (in the traditional sense of the word), nor Catholic (in any sense), I’ve never felt the obligation to “give something up for Lent.” Well, I’ve decided that this Lent, I’m going to attempt that sacrifice. Not really for religious reasons, but for personal reasons … which...