Becoming by Michelle Obama and A Promised Land by Barack Obama.

She Said, He Said

Both Michelle and Barack Obama have written best-selling books, so I guess now we can call them a “power couple.” I recently finished reading A Promised Land, Barack Obama’s memoir of the first part of his presidency. And just a couple of months ago, I read Becoming, Michelle Obama’s telling of their family’s life...

Five-Star Reads

For as awful a year as 2020 was, at least it was good for me in one respect: I read a number of great books last year. Here are the books I liked enough to give five-star ratings to on Goodreads in 2020: The Monkey Wrench Gang, by Edward Abbey. You will have read...

Books From The ‘Teens

When I think about the books that are honored as the top reads in a given year, I usually find that I haven’t read even a tiny percentage of the “best” books listed. I’m a decent reader; I have an annual goal of 25 books in a year, and I usually get fairly close...

Back To Nature (L5N5)

Do I think you care about what books I have read and am planning to read next? Of course not. But do I secretly hope that someone will pay attention and actually get some ideas for books to read from these posts? Sure. I’d even welcome some return comments like, “hey, since you read...