
A few people turned me onto Pandora Internet radio recently, and I think it’s yet one more reason to love the Internet. is a Web site that lets you create your own “station” that will stream into your computer or other device. To start, you put in a song or artist you like,...

Slouching Into 2010

On March 21, I’ll be running the Quivering Quads Half-Marathon in Troy, Mo. This is a trail race,  through a state park on a course that varies “from smooth to very rough, dry to very muddy, and flat to very hilly. Racers may have to cross ankle-deep streams as they pass through forests of...


As a music lover (aren’t we all?), I’m sometimes surprised when I find out that a song I’ve listened to dozens or hundreds of times turns out to be a cover of someone else’s song. Surprised and embarrassed, because as a fan, I always feel I should have known better. My most spectacular faceplant...

Thanks Joe!

Way, way back in 1981, I traveled to Provincetown, Mass., to visit my brother, and then to New York to visit my friend Geoff, spending about a week in each place. While I was in New York, another friend of Geoff’s, Joe Streno, hung out with us for a couple of days. We all...


This is the first post in my new blog. I’m hoping that a year from now, I’ll look back here and be profoundly embarrassed at how little I knew about blogs and blogging when I started. To be honest, it’s a little intimidating right now. Believe me, I know I have a lot to...