Rereading Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott.


I’m rereading Bird By Bird, a book by Anne Lamott. The subtitle is “Some Instructions About Writing and Life.” Lamott is a writer and writing teacher who lives in California, somewhat neurotic, very funny and a good follow on Facebook. This book is about what it means to be a writer—the work and mindset...

The Bookstore

I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve gotta tell you, I’m a VERY good procrastinator. If I have a deadline for something next week, you can bet  your last dollar that I’ll get to work on it—next week. And so it was that one day a few years ago, I was down to the...

Questions For The Author

Author Jonathan Franzen, in the essay “On Autobiographical Fiction,” part of his 2012 collection Farther Away, writes that whenever a novelist gives a public talk or reading, he or she is invariably asked four “unpleasant questions.” They are, he writes “apparently the price we have to pay for the pleasure of appearing in public.” The...

To Focus On (Exactly) Two Things

A few weeks ago I had to drive to Little Rock, Ark., to cover a towboat christening for my work. I drove down there on a Friday, attended the christening on Saturday morning, and returned home that afternoon; the driving, round trip, was about 800 miles. St. Louis to Little Rock might be one...

The Submission, by Amy Waldman

I’ve just finished reading The Submission, a novel by Amy Waldman. It was one of the most powerful books I’ve read lately. It begins as a jury is picking the winner of an anonymous competition to design the memorial at Ground Zero in New York City. Primarily at the urging of one member—who had...