Countdown To Zero

So Keith Olberman and MSNBC have parted ways. No word yet on what he’ll do next, but he’s obviously an eloquent, talented and passionate guy, and he’ll undoubtedly wind up with a good gig somewhere. Heck, maybe even back at ESPN, though I doubt it. The thing is, the three minutes and 12 seconds...

The Shooter

I didn’t expect to be defending Sarah Palin, but here goes. It wasn’t long after Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, Ariz., before speculation started flying that the shooter was motivated by hatred of liberals, Democrats and the government in general, and possibly fed by the over-the-top and sometimes violent rhetoric we have heard all too...

One Vote

In 1998, I ran for alderman in my town of Rock Hill, Mo. Surprised the heck out of myself, because it’s not really something I ever imagined I’d do. But our neighborhood had had some issues with the city government, and although the particular issues were mostly cleared up, the process had exposed some...

A Letter From The Government

A letter came in the mail today, from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Admistration, U.S. Census Bureau. In great big letters above my address, it said “United States Census 2010.” Oh goody, I thought, it’s our census form! But certainly our census form is going to be more than one page,...