Dad plays the piano at his 99th birthday celebration last July.

The Singers

My dad said he didn’t sleep well his first night in the assisted-living facility. It was because of the music. This was in October. After some eight years in an associated independent living facility down the street, he’d had two hospitalizations in six months, each followed by a short stint in a rehab facility....

Walking With The Old Girls

This is our routine. I get their leashes on and nudge Molly toward the front door. She slowly, awkwardly, haltingly walks to the door and goes out. Daisy is always several steps ahead of her ......

The Power Vested In Me

So, yes, I’m a minister. After my nephew and his then-fiancé asked me to officiate their wedding, I went online and got myself ordained. She’s no longer his fiancé; as of last weekend, they are married, and I got to be the one who said, “By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband...

I’ve Been Pushing For This For Years

Fellow fools, rejoice! Finally, the federal government has declared that today, April Fools’ Day, is a national holiday. That means no school today. Most people don’t have to go to work. Banks are closed, as is the stock market. The U.S. Postal Service won’t deliver mail today. Word has it that hospitals across the...

The Bookstore

I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve gotta tell you, I’m a VERY good procrastinator. If I have a deadline for something next week, you can bet  your last dollar that I’ll get to work on it—next week. And so it was that one day a few years ago, I was down to the...