I Know Where The Google Street View Car Is

I’ve now seen the Google Street View Car twice.  This picture was taken the first time, a couple of years ago. That’s me in the red shirt, with my camera backpack and, in my right hand, a sandwich from Jimmy John’s. It was almost certainly a Friday.

I saw the car again a couple of days ago, for only the second time in my life. And it was at exactly the same intersection: Broardway and Pine in downtown St. Louis. True, this time the car was southbound on Broadway, while last time it was westbound on Pine. But still, I think it’s odd that the only times I’ve seen this vehicle have been at precisely the same place.

So I guess we can infer that this is where the Street View car hangs out. If you ever want to set a spell and wait for it to come by, I’d be happy to join you on the steps of the Metropolitan Square building. I’ll even bring lunch.


  1. Anne
    July 25, 2011

    I bet they were checking out the grand opening of The 360 which is today and a block or two from here. Forget the steps I’ll meet you on the roof.



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