Welcome To The ‘New’ Shoulblog!

New website; Happy Mardi Gras!

After 11 years under the wordpress.com umbrella, today marks a new beginning for Shoulblog, now at its own, self-hosted site, johnshoulberg.com.

Along with the new address, the blog has a completely different design; the home page features a slider across the top for featured posts, and a grid pattern below offering post excerpts with pictures. Hopefully it’s both more visually pleasing and easier to find your way around.

Speaking of which, I’ve simplified the category structure and made it easier to search for content by category.

If you’re new here, check out the “Top Posts” link at the top of the home page. It has a list of the most popular posts over the years by number of “hits,” and, below that, a list  my own favorite writings. Both lists will likely change over time.

The best thing about moving to a self-hosted site, though, is that there are no ads. Over the years, the ads on wordpress.com got more and more intrusive and annoying. I know WordPress has to make their money somehow, but it was just time for me to move on.

The ‘new’ Shoulblog has all of the content from the former site. Well, almost all of it; some of the pictures and at least one post didn’t survive the migration, but over the coming days and weeks, I’ll be working to restore everything to its rightful place. Over time, I’m sure I’ll also be tweaking the look of the site as well. That’s another advantage self-hosting; much more flexibility with the design. I’m basically a novice at the web-design side of it, though, so please be patient with my efforts.

Meanwhile, there’s a link in the sidebar at the right where you can enter your email address and be notified whenever there’s new content posted here. Totally up to you. I can promise you won’t be deluged with emails; over 11 years, I’m averaging less than two posts a month—much less, lately. There will also eventually be a link where you can send me an email if you want; until the link appears, you can just email me at john@johnshoulberg.com. Pretty cool, huh?

I began Shoulblog on Mardi Gras 2010, so today, Mardi Gras 2021, is the blog’s 11th birthday. (It happens to be my favorite religious holiday of the year.)

So, look around; hopefully you’ll find something you like. And Happy Mardi Gras!

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