Sunday Surfers

Every day, as the morning light began to break over the shore, they were out there. Groups of wetsuit-clad surfers, waiting a few hundred yards or so offshore for just the right waves.

For most of the seven days we recently spent in San Diego (Pacific Beach), it seemed like there really weren’t any waves worth riding. But still, the surfers were there, ready in case the conditions changed. Last Sunday—finally—the surf picked up. And even more surfers were out on the water, and getting some decent rides.

I had been wanting to go out on the Crystal Pier all week, and fortunately, that day, our last in San Diego, I got the chance.  The pier offered a nice vantage point for watching the waves and the surfers.

This was my first trip to the Pacific Ocean, so I don’t know if these waves were large or small for this area, but you can look at the pictures below and see for yourselves.

BONUS—Here’s a bit of video I shot the same day:

And …

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