Checking In

Just checking in here.

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written. There have been any number of posts I’ve thought about writing, some of which I’ve actually started, but they all just fell by the wayside.

This has been a difficult year for my psyche. It’s still hard to wrap my head around the way the 2016 election turned out. And when I begin to accept that, it’s with hope that maybe the new president won’t be as bad as he promised during the campaign. Then all too often, he turns out to be worse.

The country’s in a bad place now. And the enormity of it is hard to fit it into a few hundred words in a blog post. Meanwhile, the political space seems to be pretty well filled these days; there’s no shortage of people writing about that, so the world doesn’t really need my political pontifications.

So maybe I’ll just ignore the political situation all together. I’ve probably lost enough friends anyway.

Meanwhile, Shoulblog turned 7 last week. Mardi Gras is the official anniversary of this blog (even though the exact date changes from year to year). In the past I’ve often done anniversary posts, but like Mardi Gras in general, this year I just let it slide by, barely noticed.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop my head in here for a bit to let you know that I’m still around, I’ll be writing more soon. Keep those checks coming.




  1. Phil Shoulberg
    March 7, 2017

    Check’s in the mail. Keep ’em coming!


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