16 In ’16

Many people I know would say that 2016 was the worst year ever.

For me, personally, though, it was a pretty darn good year.

Here are 16 things I did in 2016: And yes, like two years ago, there’s one extra thing on this list, one that I didn’t actually do. But I’m not telling you which one it is, allowing me to preserve deniability for everything on the list.

  • Held a one-day-old baby.
  • With Jean, celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. 
  • Got a new sewer lateral, a new roof and two new cars. Oh yeah, and a new mortgage.
  • Discovered that, after all these years, I can still do a damn good flip turn. I actually did quite a bit of swimming in the first half of the year, but then fell away from it as I remembered how time-consuming it is, relative to, say, running. I ended up dropping my new YMCA membership and now I’m just trying to stay in shape through dry-land exercise. Those flip turns, though—I don’t mind saying, I rocked.
  • Hiked through a “slot canyon.” It was fun, I thought. It was excruciating, Jean thought.
  • Ate chocolate ice cream with chili peppers in it. Better than you might think, but probably not for everybody.
  • Became an empty-nester.
  • Reached a quarter-century of tenure in my current job. Is that long enough? “Well, maybe so,” I said. “No way,” said my financial advisor.
  • Attended the christening of a 9,000 horsepower towboat.
  • Rode the Monongahela Incline up Mt. Washington in Pittsburgh, and the tramway to the top of Sandia Peak in Albuquerque.
  • Swam in Lake Michigan in October. Well, waded in up to my knees, anyway, and yeah, it was like the first day of October. But still, I was in, and it was October.
  • Went to eight Cardinals games, including six against the eventual World Series champion Cubs. My record was a dismal 2-6 (2-4 vs. the Cubs). 2017 will be better.
  • Became married to a retiree. This was probably the best development of the year.
  • Rode my bike naked through the streets of downtown St. Louis. Nobody believed I did this two years ago, so I’m using it again here.
  • Became a “great uncle” (or grand-uncle if you prefer) for the first time—and second time, and third time, and fourth time! The next generation is quickly populating itself.
  • Ran in exactly one race. I think it’s quite possible that I won’t run in any in 2017.
  • Gained/lost exactly 0.0 pounds. Yep, I weighed exactly as much a year ago as I do today. Of course, it fluctuated in a range of about 15 pounds during the year, but in this way, at least, I wound up the year right where I started.

Happy New Year from Shoulblog!

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